OpenGL ES 02 - Drawing Primitives 2 - Squares

OpenGL ES 02 - Drawing Primitives 2 - Squares

Since the original website of Simon Maurice seems not available, many people have been searching for this cool tutorial. This one is pretty good to start learning Open GL ES for iPhone programming . It gives a detailed explanation for every code and also gives sample source codes. Hope it may help you. All the best!

Disclaimer: This post and the whole blog is just a copy of iPhone-OpenGL-ES-tutorial-Series  (seems to have ) written by Simon Maurice. This blog does NOT have a written permission or any kind of permission from the original author (Simon Maurice). Please use it at your own risk. If you have any complaints regarding any content of this blog, please let me know I will remove it right away. Just hoping that it would be helpful for people who are trying to learn OpenGL. Happy coding!

Copyright 2009 Simon Maurice. All Rights Reserved.
The code provided in these pages are for educational purposes only and may not be used for commercial purposes without Simon Maurice’s expressed permission in writing. Information contained within this site cannot be duplicated in any form without Simon Maurice’s expressed permission in writing; this includes, but is not limited to, publishing in printed format, reproduced on web pages, or other forms of electronic distribution.

Source codes can be found here

Original tutorial starts from here onwards..

Strictly speaking, squares are not a primitive in OpenGL ES but, let’s face it, they’re pretty handy and just as easy as rendering a triangle. In this tutorial, we’re going to take the code from the triangle primitive and turn it into a square. Again, it will be rendered statically but we’re going to get into transformations (ie moving them around) quickly enough. Of course, once we’ve done a square, we can then make a cube, then even a texture mapped cube...

Quick Recap and Details of This Tutorial

Last tutorial, we took our “blank canvas” Xcode project and rendered a solid white triangle. In doing so, you created a vertex array, told OpenGL about the data and it’s format using glVertexPointer(), put it in the state for rendering the vertex array, and then rendered it using glDrawArrays().

Today, we’re going to take that code, and make a square from the triangle. In order to do that, we will only need to change a couple of lines of code. The first one is probably obvious, we need to specify 4 points for the square instead of 3 for a triangle. Then we need to tell OpenGL to draw it differently by passing a different drawing methodology to glDrawArrays().

Let’s get going.
Defining the Square’s Vertices

Open up the Xcode project from the last tutorial and go to the drawView method. Comment out the triangleVertices[] constant - don’t discard it as we’ll use it when we get into transformations - and add in the following code:

const GLfloat squareVertices[] = {
       -1.0, 1.0, -6.0,            // Top left
       -1.0, -1.0, -6.0,           // Bottom left
       1.0, -1.0, -6.0,            // Bottom right
       1.0, 1.0, -6.0              // Top right

That describes our square. Note the anti-clockwise direction of the vertices (the four points) of the square?

Now go down into the body and comment out the drawing code for the triangle, again we’ll bring this code back to life later on. So comment out the three function calls of glVertexArray(), glEnableClientState(), and glDrawArrays() and add the following code:

glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, squareVertices);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);

It’s the same three functions but just slightly different.

glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, squareVertices);
The only change here is that we are telling OpenGL to use a different set of vertices; the square now and not the triangle.

glEnableClientState() is the same as we are telling OpenGL to draw from a vertex array (not a colour array or something else).

glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4);
This is the main change. In the last tutorial, we used GL_TRIANGLES as the first parameter and 3 as the 3rd parameter. Remember the second parameter is the offset from the start of the array to being from, again this is zero because our vertex array only contains the vertices for the square.

The first argument is the drawing mode and you’ve now seen two possible drawing modes for OpenGL. I do want to take the time now to discuss the different drawing modes. They are:


We haven’t discussed points or lines yet so I’ll stick to the last three which refer to triangles. Before I commence, I want to remind you that a vertex array may contain more than one triangle so while you have only seen one object per vertex array, you’re not limited to that.

GL_TRIANGLES - passing this parameter means that OpenGL treats the vertex array in sets of 3 vertices. So, for the first three, it makes a triangle bound by vertex 1, vertex 2, and vertex 3. Then it will process the next three vertices and so on to the end of the array.

GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP - OpenGL will start off using the first two vertices, then for each successive vertex, it will use the previous 2 vertices to make a triangle. That is, for squareVertices[6~8], a triangle is formed with squareVerticies[0~2] and squareVerticies[3~5]. For squareVertices[9~11], a triangle is formed with squareVertices[3~5] and squareVertices[6~8]. And so on through the array.

Note: the reference to squareVertices[0~2] refers to:

squareVertices[0] - X co-ordinate

squareVertices[1] - Y co-ordinate

squareVertices[2] - Z co-ordinate

I’ll cover this in an example further on in this tutorial if that doesn’t make sense.

GL_TRIANGLE_FAN - After the first 2 vertices, for each successive vertex, OpenGL will form a triangle with with the previous vertex and the first vertex. So, for squareVertices[6~8], a triangle is formed with squareVertices[3~5] (previous vertex) and squareVertices[0~2] (first vertex).

Since we used GL_TRIANGLES_FAN, we will get a square on the display. Hit “Build & Go”, and you should be rewarded with a white square on the screen like this:


Go back and have a look at your vertex array. Try to imagine the triangles being drawn to make the square. OpenGL renders it like this.

Triangle Point 1: squareVertices[0~2] -- Top left of square

Triangle Point 2: squareVertices[3~5] -- Bottom left of square

Triangle Point 3: squareVertices[6~8] -- Bottom right of square

Taking the above 3 points, OpenGL draws a triangle which will make up the bottom left half of the square. Imagine the square is divided in two with a diagonal line starting at the top left corner of the square to the bottom right corner. Notice how two triangles form? OpenGL just drew the bottom left half.

Note: the reference to squareVertices[0~2] refers to:

squareVertices[0] - X co-ordinate

squareVertices[1] - Y co-ordinate

squareVertices[2] - Z co-ordinate

Triangle Point 1: squareVertices[9~11] -- Top right of square

Triangle Point 2: squareVertices[6~8] -- Previous vertex, bottom right

Triangle Point 3: squareVertices[0~2] -- First vertex, top left

Taking only 1 new point, OpenGL is able render a triangle to complete the square.

Go back to the code and change the first parameter into glDrawArrays() from GL_TRIANGLE_FAN to GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP:

glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
Hit “Build & Go” and you’ll get the following image:

Let’s have a look and see why we didn’t get a square due to the single change in the drawing method. OpenGL processes our vertex array in the following manner:

Triangle Point 1: squareVertices[0~2] -- top left

Triangle Point 2: squareVertices[3~5] -- bottom left

Triangle Point 3: squareVertices[6~8] -- bottom right

OpenGL now renders a triangle using the first three points, hence, the bottom left half of the previous square rendered as per the previous example.

Triangle Point 1: squareVertices[9~11] -- top right

Triangle Point 2: squareVertices[6~8] -- Previous Vertex, bottom right

Triangle Point 3: squareVertices[3~5] -- 2nd Previous, bottom left

OpenGL now renders a triangle using these three points. In this example, it has rendered a triangle 90ยบ away from what we want to make a square.

If we had of provided our vertex array differently, we could have produced a correct square using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP just as well as we did we GL_TRIANGLE_FAN. Just remember the drawing method and your vertex array need to be considered together otherwise you’ll get odd results like we did when we changed from FAN to STRIP.

const GLfloat stripSquare[] = {
      -1.0, -1.0, -6.0,               // bottom left
       1.0, -1.0, -6.0,                // bottom right
      -1.0, 1.0, -6.0,                // top left
       1.0, 1.0, -6.0                  // top right
So working with the above, we can see the first triangle will be formed through the first three vertices, producing a triangle as follows:

Now, by specifying the point of the top right vertex (P4), a new triangle will be formed with the top left (P3) and the 2nd previous vertex (P2) which is at the bottom right. The new vertices are shown in Orange, Green and Red below:


As a result, we have produced a square. The end result is still the same but it’s just a reminder that you need to match your drawing methodology to the way you have specified your vertices.

So you’ve now seen triangles and squares. We still need to cover points and lines yet. Both are quite simple and will be covered next. As we’re building upon what we’ve already covered, we’ll add some colour into the mix next time.

Once we can colour our objects, we’ll move them around and then texture map them in 3D. Granted, it won’t be Doom 3 but you’ll start to be able to build 3D objects and then, I’ll start to cover 3D worlds.

Here’s the code for this tutorial:
The home of the tutorials is in the “Tutorials” section of the forums. Check out the thread there.

As always, feel free to email me. Home base for these tutorials is over at the forum under the tutorials section.

Until next time, hooroo!

Simon Maurice

Copyright 2009 Simon Maurice. All Rights Reserved.
The code provided in these pages are for educational purposes only and may not be used for commercial purposes without Simon Maurice’s expressed permission in writing. Information contained within this site cannot be duplicated in any form without Simon Maurice’s expressed permission in writing; this includes, but is not limited to, publishing in printed format, reproduced on web pages, or other forms of electronic distribution.

Linking to these pages on other websites is permitted.

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